Today we started sectionals. We all divided by primary instrument to go over that instruments role in the team. As the vocalist it is my job to make sure the vocals are warmed up, can be heard over the instruments, that we are all on pitch and that we are singing clearly and enunciating, among other things. We were talking about the songs, how we all like them and they have really good messages, but they have soooooo many words! It will be a challenge to memorize them. Some of them do not have a pattern I can follow, I just have to know them. But really, that is easy compared to Dave learning how to play the djembe, or Lisa Marie, a cabin mate who has never used more than a boom box and is now the sound tech for her electric team!
Tonight for Last Word, we heard from Mary Bull, the recruitment director, who helps everyone through the application process. She is also a former teamer and has a beautiful voice. She told us of her journey to Chicago this spring to try out for American Idol, how she got there at midnight for 7:30 or so auditions (that didn’t get to her part of the line until much later) , how it was windy and raining and her mom was with her, and they were told not to bring umbrellas or chairs but everyone else had (grrrrr!) and… While she was in line she started to question if she really wanted to do this, there were others who were ‘better’ than her and were crazier and had better stories than just coming with her mom. She also worried if she would be ready when they called her for her turn. Then she asked us:
Are you ready if God calls you for your turn?
You may have to go somewhere uncomfortable to put yourself in the position to be used by Him. You may think you are not good enough or don’t have a dramatic story. You may have to wait there for a while, while God prepares you and others for the work He will call you to. When He calls will you be ready to answer? Are you listening for Him?
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