Monday, September 14, 2009

Day 14

Sunday, September 6th, 2009
Two weeks in!

We are now in our 2nd of 22 hours of silent solitude. It is amazing. So peaceful and relaxing… so different than the last 13 days! We started at7pm and are ending at 5pm tomorrow. Some were and are rather worried. It was pretty funny when it was announced, the introverts cheered so loudly, we drowned out the extroverts groans!

Today we were the program team, which means we got to teach 2 sing-alongs – both of which I did not know. But they are pretty good – I will have so many things to tell you about and teach you that cannot be done in blog or letter or phone call form. We will also do a worship song for last word, but since we are having solitude, we will do it tomorrow night.

Today was my birthday, and all day I had to wear an African headdress turban-y thing. It was too warm for that! I got letters and a box from mom yesterday (thank you!) and was wished Happy Birthday in English, Spanish, Danish, German, French, and both bad British and Scottish accents! I also got a bag of peanut butter m&ms from the staff – yum!

I am going to catch up on my bible reading today. During free time, I am trying to push myself out of my comfort zone and be more extroverted. There are a lot of great people here and I will not get to see most of them all year as we are all out on the road. I am trying to get to know as many as I can. That takes up a lot of time! Hopefully I can find a balance.

P.S. thank you for all the Birthday wishes!


  1. Silent on your birthday, Huh ? That is a first ! You were missed extra-much on the 6th. Hope you got a picture of the headdress !

  2. You claim to be an introvert-what was it? INFP? I'm skeptical. Hope you enjoyed your quiet time. Is it that you are introverted or shy? (Can't imagine either one....)

    Anyway, happy belated birthday- and I agree with AmyJo- we need to see the headdress thing.
