Today I traveled to Camp Luther Dell which is near Remer, MN. This is the beautiful view of the beach and campfire ring.
We stopped to switch drivers twice to give all of the drivers a chance to practice. We stopped at Pamidas each time, and I realized I had never been to one before. I got to navigate on the easiest stretch of road – the one where there were no turns until you got to the Pamida parking lot! It was very windy, so when we were driving past Lake Mille Lacs there were white caps on the waves and wind surfers doing there best not to drown.
We arrived at camp in time to have a supper of delicious Pizza (which is the same thing as we had for lunch, but camp pizza with zucchini and tomatoes and onions is much different than Papa John’s). This is the dining hall and chapel, down and upstairs respectively.
After Pizza we got our cabin assignments and unpacked the trailer. In my cabin, there are 6 girls in 5 sets of bunks. That is not true of all of the cabins, but we got to choose where we wanted to sleep.
Last word was done by the camp director, Leah. She was very good. She spoke about cultivating a garden, and how we need to cultivate our own relationship with God, not rely on our teams to fill us up or drag us along. We need to spend that time with God intentionally, not distracted but focused on Him.
She also talked about IHOPs. Yea! Pancakes! No, she was talking about the international houses of Prayer, where they have houses of worship all around the world that have prayer and fasting and praise going on all day everyday. It is a great goal, but it is not accomplished alone, many people come in shifts so that the others can go back to their life and home and dishes and laundry. No matter how much we try to keep our focus on God, life will intervene, draw us away. But if we remember that we all need to take a shift, we all need to take that time to sit and adore Him, to just bask in His presence, we will then be filled up to do our dishes and laundry in a God honoring, God glorifying way.
It is amazing how God turns it around. When we bring a sacrifice of praise to Him, whether it be of our time or our labor or maybe refraining from something so that He has our focus, God turns that around into blessings, filling us up to do it all again.
Leah used a verse from Song of Solomon, which can be interpreted as both a marriage relationship and the relationship between God and us. In Song of Solomon 4:9 it says “You have ravished my heart, my treasure, my bride. I am overcome by one glance of your eyes.” We have the ability to make God’s heart just fall to pieces, just by looking His way! By taking the time to stop and turn ourselves toward Him, to focus our attention on Him, we make the God-of-the-Angel-Armies melt.
Today I traveled to Camp Luther Dell which is near Remer, MN. This is the beautiful view of the beach and campfire ring.
We arrived at camp in time to have a supper of delicious Pizza (which is the same thing as we had for lunch, but camp pizza with zucchini and tomatoes and onions is much different than Papa John’s). This is the dining hall and chapel, down and upstairs respectively.
Last word was done by the camp director, Leah. She was very good. She spoke about cultivating a garden, and how we need to cultivate our own relationship with God, not rely on our teams to fill us up or drag us along. We need to spend that time with God intentionally, not distracted but focused on Him.
She also talked about IHOPs. Yea! Pancakes! No, she was talking about the international houses of Prayer, where they have houses of worship all around the world that have prayer and fasting and praise going on all day everyday. It is a great goal, but it is not accomplished alone, many people come in shifts so that the others can go back to their life and home and dishes and laundry. No matter how much we try to keep our focus on God, life will intervene, draw us away. But if we remember that we all need to take a shift, we all need to take that time to sit and adore Him, to just bask in His presence, we will then be filled up to do our dishes and laundry in a God honoring, God glorifying way.
It is amazing how God turns it around. When we bring a sacrifice of praise to Him, whether it be of our time or our labor or maybe refraining from something so that He has our focus, God turns that around into blessings, filling us up to do it all again.
Leah used a verse from Song of Solomon, which can be interpreted as both a marriage relationship and the relationship between God and us. In Song of Solomon 4:9 it says “You have ravished my heart, my treasure, my bride. I am overcome by one glance of your eyes.” We have the ability to make God’s heart just fall to pieces, just by looking His way! By taking the time to stop and turn ourselves toward Him, to focus our attention on Him, we make the God-of-the-Angel-Armies melt.
missing you today,
Every time I read your posts I get a great "nugget" of truth to take with me.