Oh my. I cannot even remember this morning! Good thing we have a written schedule so I can tell you about my day after the fact.
We travel to the training church for breakfast at 8:15. We have 4-5 sessions before lunch, 2-3 longer sessions in the afternoon, and 1-2 sessions after dinner. Then Last Word (evening devotions with music) about 9:15ish.
The schedule is housed in a 2.5 inch 3 ring binder along with handouts for 8 different categories of information:
Schedule (dates, times, places, room assignments, birthdays, etc…)
Youth Encounter (history, theology, mission and vision statement)
Teams (team jobs, responsibilities, and business)
Devotions (examples, resources, how to write your own)
Meet By Teams (see yesterday)
Programs (what we will do when it is our turn to be on stage)
Workshops (the curriculum we will use to train others while on team)
Relational (tips and tricks to make connections and build relationships)
Events/Culture (culture studies for each region visited and corresponding events)
And we have gotten an average of 2 more handouts at each session!
The analogy has been used of trying to drink from a fire hydrant, so much coming at you at once and trying to take it all in.
Today we had a Foundations of Youth Ministry session with a youth pastor whose name is Tiger. He graduated from High School in ’74. He had some incredible insights… how our (anyone in ministry) job as leaders is to get peoples attention.
The schedule is housed in a 2.5 inch 3 ring binder along with handouts for 8 different categories of information:
Schedule (dates, times, places, room assignments, birthdays, etc…)
Youth Encounter (history, theology, mission and vision statement)
Teams (team jobs, responsibilities, and business)
Devotions (examples, resources, how to write your own)
Meet By Teams (see yesterday)
Programs (what we will do when it is our turn to be on stage)
Workshops (the curriculum we will use to train others while on team)
Relational (tips and tricks to make connections and build relationships)
Events/Culture (culture studies for each region visited and corresponding events)
And we have gotten an average of 2 more handouts at each session!
The analogy has been used of trying to drink from a fire hydrant, so much coming at you at once and trying to take it all in.
Today we had a Foundations of Youth Ministry session with a youth pastor whose name is Tiger. He graduated from High School in ’74. He had some incredible insights… how our (anyone in ministry) job as leaders is to get peoples attention.

Everyone is tempted to get stuck there in the limelight. But our music or humor or other skill is not the end. We then have to DUCK . Point to the cross and duck out of the way.

I really wish everyone could experience the passion of the workers and speakers and the depth of information we are getting. It is so filling, so nourishing. Even the theology is intriguing and has great discussions. It is so different to be with a group of people who are so invested in the learning process.
Last Word was really good – for a musical group we do very little of it this week – we got to sing and we were challenged to have time with God, that sometimes we can get caught up in trying to sound good or be loud enough or to try out a harmony. In those things we can get distracted from actual worship. What a convicting message for me. So I just focused on Him and sought Him for who He is, and it was awesome. I really think that God honors a contrite heart and a seeking spirit.
I pray that each of you find times to seek God out. He is there with you now, but sometimes you need to be intentionally looking to see Him.

I really wish everyone could experience the passion of the workers and speakers and the depth of information we are getting. It is so filling, so nourishing. Even the theology is intriguing and has great discussions. It is so different to be with a group of people who are so invested in the learning process.
Last Word was really good – for a musical group we do very little of it this week – we got to sing and we were challenged to have time with God, that sometimes we can get caught up in trying to sound good or be loud enough or to try out a harmony. In those things we can get distracted from actual worship. What a convicting message for me. So I just focused on Him and sought Him for who He is, and it was awesome. I really think that God honors a contrite heart and a seeking spirit.
I pray that each of you find times to seek God out. He is there with you now, but sometimes you need to be intentionally looking to see Him.
Prayer List
Ludvigs's visa expires in may so he may not be able to return to the US after Africa
My health insurance was denied because i had not seen a Dr. - I will resubmit my application with info on my visit last thursday!
Behind the wheel is tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteIsn't Tiger AWESOME? I took classes from his organization way back when. And I actually worked for him "way back when" and we used to hire him to speak at our church "way back when." I forgot that he does training with y'all. And I LOVED the analogy of drinking from a fire hydrant! I can picture it. Thanks for sharing, kiddo!
Praying for you Big Time !!!