It is very strange for me to be away from home and not able to go back when I am not that far away from home.
When I checked my email and read that my application for medical insurance had been denied I was so frustrated, so much so I had to just walk away. I didn’t know what to do about it, or how it could be remedied, plus it was after 11 at night, so I wasn’t able to do anything if I had wanted or knew what to do. I went to take my shower and on the way, God, being the comforter He is, reminded me that He will provide. And then, as I was banging my stuff around getting ready, having trouble with the whole He-Provides-But-I Have-To-Do-My-Part, But-What-Is-My-Part? stuff, Melissa (a former teamer working at training) asked me what was wrong. In answering her questions, she got me thinking differently about the situation and I perhaps have a way to fix it. God provided someone sympathetic and interested and experienced to talk to so that I could gain clarity – Isn’t He good?!!!
We all took a Myers Briggs test to find our personality type. This is to help us to know how we may work and fit together on our teams. I am decidedly an INFP. All of my scores were 1-19 or 2-18, no wishy washy results here. It was really strange for me to read the profile and feel like it described me almost perfectly! There was also a handout that has a prayer for each type and it said:
Lord, please help me finish what I sta
Seriously? INFP? Really? I am an ENFP - hardcore E and hardcore P. That cracks me up.